VAG Golf MKIV Platform Cars Lower Engine Support Bracket Front & Rear Mounting Bush Kit

Image caption Diagram showing the location of the lower engine support bracket

On standard vehicles, the original rubber bushings compress and extend to allow the engine to move during acceleration and braking. In some high-performance applications with increased engine output, or on more standard cars with worn original bushings, this movement can be excessive. The SuperPro bushings improve the compression and extension forces. Reducing engine movement under acceleration and braking reduces torque steer whilst improving the feedback to the driver.

This greatly improves engine response, without causing harsh vibrations which other Polyurethane manufacturer’s products can do. This kit includes 2 inserts and 2 washers and is ideal for Diesel and standard Petrol models.

SPF2576K – Lower Engine Steady Front Bush Kit

Fits to OEM bracket 1J0199851N. Designed with modified petrol engines in mind, SuperPro have developed a bush to cope with the high power and torque generated by these engines. This bush minimises engine movement (improves lateral location by 24% over the original bushing) under acceleration making the car more responsive and more positive to drive. This kit includes 1 bush, 1 tube, 2 washers and assembly grease.

SPF2575K – Lower Engine Steady Front Bush Insert Kit

Fits to OEM bracket 1J0199851N. This fantastic little product is what we call a void filling insert. The standard engine steady bush has casting holes left in it, these inserts from SuperPro have been designed to snugly fit into these holes minimising engine flex under acceleration. (improves lateral location by 17% over the voided original bushing).


The kits are also covered by SuperPro’s unique 3 Year/36,000 Mile (60,000km) warranty unless used for Motorsport.